
Watch us grow

The Blog Page.  Follow along on the journey of building a small business.  See pictures, updates, new products and growth.  Keep up with what is happening in the world of Bella Anne  and express your voice or concerns.  There will be updates on new designs, events and discussion of a variety of topics.  Open for new visitors and those who want to know the latest struggles, accomplishments, and other Life in Alaska related stories.

First off, I have to give a big shout out to all of my friends and family that have helped with this endeavor.  The surplus materials, finances, purchases, kind words of appreciation, spreading the word and the other multitudes of support is a great inspiration.  With God's Grace Bella Anne Metal and Wood will be a success.

As time moves on I hope to share not only about Bella Anne, but more encouraging stories.  Tales of Veteran, or young teen, or a person in need who was able to contribute and learn a new skill.  In some capacity we all change others lives.  May it be in a positive way.

As always, I welcome all comments and feedback.  This information is very valuable and guides me forward.  Contact Us with any input.  Even the smallest acknowledgement benefits on understanding the pros and cons.  And don't forget to "Like Us On Facebook" Anne Metal and Wood